Call for Judgment: Palatable potency
enacted 3-0
Adminned at 28 Jun 2023 22:27:53 UTC
Uphold that the Mindjacking carried out by Bucky at 16:19:00 on 27 June was not illegally carried out in the basis of Bucky’s Suspicion score.
If Proposal: Too Tangled was enacted then this CfJ has no effect.
In the rule Reality Enforcers change the bulleted list to read:
* Resonance Testing* confers 0 Suspicion
* Astromantic Rituals and Tasting the Quantum Soup each confer 1 Suspicion. Changing one’s Anchor confers 1 Suspicion per Level of the Mindjacker performing the action.
* Mindjacking and Superencryption* each confer 2 Suspicion.
* Extrasensory Assassination* confers 4 Suspicion.
* Resonance Testing may have a variable Suspicion cost based on its outcome; see the relevant rule for more information.
* All Actions in this list with an asterisk immediately after their name generate additional Suspicion equal to their Potency.
I agree with Bucky that it was too loosely worded.
lemon: she/her
woah, this has some unexplained major changes in it! what’s the reasoning behind getting rid of every suspicion-granting clause relating to potency instead of just naming the actions more explicitly?