Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Proposal: Papabili

Reached quorum 7 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Oct 2015 14:56:58 UTC

Create a new Dynastic rule, titled “Influence”

All Cardinals have Influence, a number tracked in the GNDT. The default value is 5. As a daily action, a Cardinal may increase the Influence of another Cardinal by 1. Any Cardinal except the Pope with Influence of 10 or greater is a Papabile.

Create a new dynastic rule, titled “Benefices”

All Cardinals have Benefices, a number tracked in the GNDT. The default value is 1. As a daily action, a Cardinal may reduce their Influence by 2 to increase their Benefices by 1. As a daily action, a Cardinal by reduce their Benefices by 1 to increase the Benefices of another Cardinal by 1.

Set Thrawn’s Influence to 20 and his Benefices to 5


Tantusar: he/they

07-10-2015 21:52:54 UTC


Brendan: he/him

07-10-2015 22:19:37 UTC


ais523: Custodian

07-10-2015 23:15:27 UTC

against A daily action to boost someone else’s Influence? That’s going to get very grindy and unfun very quickly.

Brendan: he/him

07-10-2015 23:19:54 UTC

One of the big issues with grind is that it’s rich-gets-richer, right? Only being able to boost other people seems more likely to have the opposite effect.


07-10-2015 23:45:06 UTC

I am thinking about making a rich-get-richer type proposal later, where you can spend Benefices to get Nepotism, which increases your Influence weekly, but I won’t make that one until we have some other use for Benefices. I have a couple of ideas about that.

ais523: Custodian

07-10-2015 23:48:59 UTC

@Brendan: it’s easy enough for two people to just boost each other. (I know I’d be looking for similar deals if this passes.) Agora has had “spend resource X to boost someone else’s resource Y” mechanics for ages, and they nearly always just result in people making arrangements to do boosts on each others’ behalves.


08-10-2015 02:59:49 UTC

against Too easy; basic collaboration occurs.

Kevan: he/him

08-10-2015 08:53:11 UTC

for The grinding doesn’t seem too bad here: if two players spent a week backslapping up to +7, they’d just be signalling that they were working as a trusted team, and other players would use that information against them.

It doesn’t seem worth slowing the dynasty’s opening and discouraging players from building on the basic “Cardinals have Influence and Benefices” idea until we’ve got every line of both rules exactly right. Nobody is going to grind to victory on day two.


08-10-2015 10:14:24 UTC

Well, I also saw the alliances to boost Influency mutually as a natural result of this rule.
Let’s see what happens.


08-10-2015 10:23:30 UTC

Isn’t there a typo?

“As a daily action, a Cardinal may reduce their Benefices by 1”

instead of

“As a daily action, a Cardinal by reduce their Benefices by 1”


08-10-2015 12:58:25 UTC

Looks like it.


Darknight: he/him

08-10-2015 14:41:13 UTC
