Proposal: Papabili
Reached quorum 7 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 08 Oct 2015 14:56:58 UTC
Create a new Dynastic rule, titled “Influence”
All Cardinals have Influence, a number tracked in the GNDT. The default value is 5. As a daily action, a Cardinal may increase the Influence of another Cardinal by 1. Any Cardinal except the Pope with Influence of 10 or greater is a Papabile.
Create a new dynastic rule, titled “Benefices”
All Cardinals have Benefices, a number tracked in the GNDT. The default value is 1. As a daily action, a Cardinal may reduce their Influence by 2 to increase their Benefices by 1. As a daily action, a Cardinal by reduce their Benefices by 1 to increase the Benefices of another Cardinal by 1.
Set Thrawn’s Influence to 20 and his Benefices to 5
Tantusar: he/they