Thursday, December 08, 2005

Proposal: Paper covers rock

enacted at 12-2 by Cayvie.  Angel cannot vote, Devil is FOR, and Fred is DEFERENTIAL going to FOR

Adminned at 09 Dec 2005 13:50:08 UTC

Change the title of the next proposal to “having to change proposals is getting annoying”
Switch the positions of the first name and last name of voices in the Fortress of Cheese if neither of them are the name of the Ego.

Add an instinct named Rock, paper, scissors:

A rock, a piece of paper, and a pair of scissers reside in the rules. A voice may occasionally move one of them to any rule by removing the instance of ROCK, PAPER, or SCISSORS, respectively, from wherever it currently is and adding it behind the last sentence of that rule. That rule then becomes the ROCK rule, PAPER rule or SCISSORS rule, complying with the nature of the moved object.

If the PAPER rule overrides any effect of the SCISSORS rule, undo the effect that overrides that rule and apply the overrided effect instead. In the same manner, stop the SCISSORS rule from overriding the ROCK rule and the ROCK rule from overriding the PAPER rule. If this causes a paradox in which three rules try to override each other due to this paragraph, this rule, apart from this sentence, has no effect instead and all voices must immediately whisper to emselves.




If more than two voices include “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” in the comments to this proposal, remove the last sentence of the second paragraph of the rule this proposal creates.

Sorry for the awkward wording, I had to write it as such to stop law 10 from overriding it.



08-12-2005 18:35:30 UTC

for Good grief.


08-12-2005 19:04:04 UTC



08-12-2005 19:15:43 UTC



08-12-2005 19:34:07 UTC



08-12-2005 21:19:02 UTC

for Good ole’ Rock.  Nothing beats Rock.


08-12-2005 21:56:42 UTC



09-12-2005 00:06:49 UTC

for eeou-lay-ee-ou


09-12-2005 01:05:59 UTC

for  can’t someone go back and add the sentences right before a paradox occurs?

Elias IX:

09-12-2005 01:10:25 UTC

for this looks like a good time to practice my typing:

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

wow, all twenty six letters.

The Lone Amigo:

09-12-2005 01:32:51 UTC



09-12-2005 07:40:05 UTC

currently 11-2, one short of quorum.
Assuming I can count..