Friday, February 25, 2022

Proposal: Paradox

Passes 6-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 27 Feb 2022 05:21:35 UTC

Add a new subrule to the rule Parallel Blognomic, called Multidimensional Personhood:

All Maestro Team Members and idle Maestro Team Members may be referred to, collectively, as Prime Players. Any entity who is named as a player or Emperor in a parallel dynasty who has never played in a Prime or Locked dynasty may be referred to as a Parallel Player.

In the rule Parallel Dynastic Histories, change “an Ascension Text, up to three Key Proposals, a short paragraph summarising how that dynasty was won, and some Player Recollections” to “an Ascension Text, a list of active Players in that dynasty, up to three Key Proposals, a short paragraph summarising how that dynasty was won, and some Player Recollections”.

Add the following as a subrule to the rule Parallel Dynastic Histories, called Parallel Player Lists:

If a parallel dynastic history page doesn’t have a list of players (a ‘parallel list’) then any Maestro Team Member may add it, by carrying out the following atomic action:

* Add the Emperor of that parallel dynasty and the Emperor of the subsequent parallel dynasty to the player list;
* If the Prime Dynasty with the same number as that parallel dynasty has a player list on its dynastic history page (the ‘prime list’), roll DICE10 for each player named in that list; add each player whose result was not a 1 to the player list;
* For each player from the Prime list omitted from the parallel list in the second stage of this atomic action, randomly select one extant parallel player and add them to the parallel list.
* Optionally, add one or two new parallel players to the parallel list, by Using the Paralleliser with the existing list compiled so far in this atomic action as the seed list.

Add the following as a new rule to the ruleset, called Maestro Missions:

Each Maestro Team Member may have a Focus, which is publicly tracked, defaults to blank, and which much otherwise be a single parallel dynasty. A Maestro Team Member may change their Focus as a daily action.

A Maestro Team Member may not have as a Focus any Parallel Dynasty in which their name appears, either on the player list on the history page or as Emperor, for fear of creating a quantum paradox and destroying the universe.


Clucky: he/him

25-02-2022 17:03:27 UTC

Do we need any sort of contingency in place if the Parallelizer adds a player and then someone with that name joins?

Also might need to button up “Any entity who is named as a player or Emperor in a parallel dynasty who has never played in a Prime or Locked dynasty may be referred to as a Parallel Player” as a whole. It seems loosely runs on the implication that same name = same entity, but that feels like something someone could be a stickler about in the future.

Lulu: she/her

25-02-2022 18:27:14 UTC

“Any entity who is named as a player or Emperor in a parallel dynasty who has never played in a Prime or Locked dynasty” might be a bit of a pain to check, especially with name changes

Clucky: he/him

25-02-2022 21:12:56 UTC


Darknight: he/him

25-02-2022 21:18:42 UTC


Brendan: he/him

25-02-2022 22:05:58 UTC


Lulu: she/her

26-02-2022 01:53:57 UTC



26-02-2022 06:54:46 UTC
