Proposal: paradox points
Vetoed on Ascension. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:16:55 UTC
Create a new GNDT field entited paradoxes
Add a new impulse entitled “The points of paradox” with the following text
The Ego can only stand so much paradox before his head explodes into a big pile of goo and is finally taken over by one of the rampant voices within his head. Whenever a voice, not including the Ego, is experiencing a paradox of any form e may make a post Entitled Paradox: ‘thing’ describing the voices current paradox or paradox e experienced up to 24 hours prior to the post, with ‘thing’ being replaced with a title as if it were a proposal. Voices and the Ego may make only FOR or AGAINST votes to a Paradox post, with a FOR signifying that the mentioned paradox is, for that voice, a unique instance of that particular paradox. A voice may only make one post about a particular paradox even if they are experiencing a paradox for a second time. A voice may only make one post about a particular paradox even if they are experiencing a paradox for a second time. If a quorum of FOR votes is reached within 48 hours, or after 48 hours at least half of the votes on the paradox are for then the paradox is indeed a paradox and the posting voice may add one to their paradox field and one to the Ego’s paradox field. ANGEL DEVIL and FRED may not vote on paradox posts, nor do their votes count towards quorum on paradox posts.
If a voice doesn’t have anything in it’s paradox field, set it to zero.
Set the paradox field of all voices, and the Ego to zero.
Go back in time and add the following to the last proposal that passed exactly two seconds before that proposal passed, thus passing this too
Add an inclination named “Someone please change this” with the following text:
The voice who legally increases the Ego’s Paradox field to 666 may declare victory
Change the color last word of rule 2.4 to orange, and if it is orange, change it to a different color orange.
The last part is illegal since rules that allow victory must be instincts. Anyway, I think would be more fair if the voice who caused the most paradoxes wins once the ego’s paradoxes reach a certain number. Still, nice one.