Passing Judgement
Good morning Adventurers. This is an informal notification that I have passed judgement.
—- JUDAS—-
There was no Traitor.
What? Hold on.
Why play along the Traitor mechanic if I personally don’t believe in its effectiveness? I don’t believe in its effectiveness for myself, because Traitors or not, I still find people accountable for their own actions. The Traitor hat doesn’t change that for me.
However, if you guys believe that it works as a deterrent to Pooling, that’s all that actually matters to the game. I see it like how kids believe in Santa Claus - if that makes them behave, it can be in my interest play along them believing, even if I don’t believe in it myself.
But why pick nobody? Because I found it funnier that way lol.
These are the Cate guess results (amount Correct/amount of Cates guessed), and the Merit earned.
- Duke: 0/0 -> +0 Merit
- Card: 1/7 -> +50 Merit
- Kevan: 1/7 (Should be 2/7) -> +50 Merit
- TyGuy: 3/5 (Should be 4/5) -> +150 Merit
Here are the hash results:
1: its the Assassin Dynasty
The first verse alludes to murder and the last 3 verses are 1:20. The Assassin Dynasty is listed as Dynasty #120.
2: Its the Last Dynasty
The first verse alludes to the end and the last 3 verses are 1:44. The Last Dynasty is listed as Dynasty #144.
3: it is the first dynasty… I actually screwed up with this one. Thankfully it doesn’t change the victor result. It’s supposed to be The First Dynasty of TrumanCapote - The Family Dynasty
A lot of family stuff and #21 like before for the last three verses too.
4: Its the The First Dynasty of Myke
It’s not the very first, it’s what comes right after it. The second.
5: it is the post-apocalyptic dynasty
It’s not the last (apocalypse), it’s what comes after it.
6: it is The School of Witchcraft Dynasty
Witchcraft witchcraft witchcraft…
7: it is The Papal Dynasty
I didn’t think anyone would actually get this one but TyGuy did. The pope is the alleged successor of Simon Peter. The symbol of Peter is keys hence the emoji, and unsurprisingly it’s also the Papal symbol. The Pope “is” Peter.
Here are Card’s guesses:
1: The First Dynasty of Knightking - The Warlord Dynasty
2: The Second Dynasty of Angry Grasshopper - The Monastic Murder Mystery Dynasty
3: The Second Dynasty of Larrytheturtle - The Orc Warrior Dynasty
4: The First Metadynasty - The Hat Meta-Dynasty
5: Round One
6: The Second Dynasty of Brendan - The School of Witchcraft Dynasty
7: The Second Metadynasty - The Switch Dynasty
Here are Kevan’s guesses:
1: The Third Dynasty of Cuddlebeam - The Evolution Dynasty
2: The First Dynasty of Diabecko - The Failed Experiment Dynasty
3: The First Dynasty of TrumanCapote - The Family Dynasty
4: Round One
5: The Seventh Dynasty of Brendan - The Last Dynasty
6: The Second Dynasty of Brendan - The School of Witchcraft Dynasty
7: Round One
Here are TyGuy’s guesses:
2: The Seventh Dynasty of Brendan - The Last Dynasty
3: The First Dynasty of TrumanCapote - The Family Dynasty
5: The First Dynasty of Skju - The Principia Blognomica Dynasty
6: The Second Dynasty of Brendan - The School of Witchcraft Dynasty
7: The First Dynasty of Thrawn - The Papal Dynasty
?TyGuy wins! Congrats!?
I’m amazed at how accurate you were compared to the others. It might be plain luck - the Catechesis idea was inspired by how Bible verses can be interpreted to mean so many totally different things - but yeah. Pretty remarkable, I look forwards to your post-dynasty commentary on this.
The Duke of Waltham: he/him
I also sent in a few guesses… I think I didn’t get any right, but it was several hours before Judgement was Passed and the rules don’t specify any other time limit, so they ought to have been considered.