Proposal: Patch the Magic Dragon
Self-killed - Ienpw III
Adminned at 15 Jun 2013 00:08:33 UTC
If they exist, remove the statements “Wakukee has achieved victory in the First Dynasty of Skju.” and “This page is now considered gamestate.” from the list of Truths.
In the Glossary Section for Gamestate replace
Any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of.
Any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of, including all Wiki Pages or GNDT columns which the Ruleset mentions.
Given that Wakukee’s DoV was shot down for a couple of reasons and some of us found the actual editing of the wiki page to be valid, we should clear up weather or not the truths he added are actually there by saying they aren’t, and clean up the “Gamestate” definition for future use to avoid further confusing. This should clarify that you can edit normal wiki pages, but nothing mention in the ruleset.