Proposal: Peer Pressure
Adminned at 18 May 2009 13:23:01 UTC
Add a Rule titled “Peer Pressure”:
In certain circumstances, a Contestant may override the votes of a target Contestant on a Pending Proposal by making a comment on that Proposal in the following format:
“Influence {Contestant Name} to vote {Vote Icon}”
This comment is referred to as a Manipulation. The text in braces is to be replaced with actual values where {Contestant Name} is the name of a Contestant who Supports the Contestant performing the Manipulation (in the context of this Manipulation action, these two Contestants can be referred to as the Manipulated and Manipulator, respectively); and where {Vote Icon} is a single voting icon which would be legal for the Manipulated to cast on the Pending Proposal.
The effect of this Manipulation is that it is counted as a legal, final vote cast by the Manipulated on the Proposal in question, regardless of any other votes, or absence of vote, by the Manipulated. The value of this vote corresponds to the voting icon used in the Manipulation.
A Contestant may not make a Manipulation action more than once per pending Proposal. Manipulations may not be retracted or changed by Contestants, however if multiple Manipulations target the same Contestant, later Manipulations take precedence over earlier ones.
If ever the concept of Supporting a Contestant is not defined in the ruleset, then this rule has no effect.
Vetoed with the Eye of Doom. Adminned by Qwazukee.
I would
if I could, but I must settle for
. Never pass a rule that effects voting. Because not all voting relates to the dynasty, some have other meanings.