Proposal: Pequod and Pyrrhus
Fewer than a quorum not voting against, failed 1-5 with 1 unresolved DEF. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 May 2018 18:30:49 UTC
Remove the paragraph of the rule “Positions” that begins with “If none of the three positions…”
Change the paragraph in the rule “Positions” that reads:
The Captain may change any non-Narrator Sailor’s Position to any other Free Position.
to read:
The Captain may change any other non-Narrator Sailor’s Position to any other Free Position.
Add to the rule “Positions” the following:
If there is only one Deckhand, any Sailor may set that Deckhand’s Position to Captain. If there was already a Captain at such a time, the Sailor must then set that extant Captain’s Position in turn to Deckhand.
The Sailor holding the position of Captain is not eligible to claim victory.
derrick: he/him
Brendan, you seem to have decided that captain is the position for you.
If you will make a promise of the same sort that I made, that you won’t move sailor’s positions without evidence that they’re holding back the ship in some way, And that you will attempt to catch whales, I will happily back you.
If not, I will oppose this would-be-usurper as having nefarious and underhanded schemes.