Saturday, September 09, 2023

Proposal: Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Participants

Enacted 4-0. Josh

Adminned at 11 Sep 2023 15:42:27 UTC

In the rule “Form Sheet”, after the text “It lists the upcoming Sporting Events for at least the next seven days ” add the following text:

and the Participants selected for that Sporting Event

and replace the text “may randomly select a sporting event for each upcoming day and add it to the list” with this text:

may secretly randomly select a Sporting Event and select its Participants (using a Participant Selection method) for each upcoming day and add them to the list. If any existing Sporting Event does not have Participants, the Bookie should select Participants using Participant Selection for each such Sporting Event as soon as possible.

At the end of the rule, add this text:

Participant Selection is the method by which Participants are selected for a Sporting Event from the list of Potential Participants for that Sport. If a Participant Selection method is not specified for a Sport, the default Participant Selection method is for the Bookie to secretly randomly choose the Participants.

In the subrule “Soccer” add the following text:

Participant Selection: Round-Robin Tournament, without a tournament winner, selecting the match-up order secretly randomly. After each Participant has played every other Participant once, the Bookie shall reset the Particpant Selection tracking for Soccer and start the Round-Robin Tournament selection over.

I replaced “randomly select a Sporting Event” with “secretly randomly select a Sporting Event”, even though the results are public, because otherwise according to the Appendix rules, any “randomly” selected value must be determined using the Dice Roller.


Kevan: he/him

09-09-2023 10:27:27 UTC


Josh: he/they

09-09-2023 11:00:31 UTC


Lulu: she/her

09-09-2023 18:07:33 UTC
