Proposal: Seeds and Popcorn
Self-killed. Failed by pokes.
Adminned at 17 Nov 2017 11:01:22 UTC
Add to the list of spells:
[NNN] Seed: Create a Seed, which are noted in the GNDT as “S” alongside your shards (Seeds occupy the same space as shards in a Tesserer’s Shard inventory). At-will, a Seed can be destroyed to make two Nature Shards for yourself.
[FF] Flame Lance: Destroy a thing which occupies a space that Shards can occupy.
“Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire.”
—Jaya Ballard, task mage
I’m a little confused on what space is referring to in this context. Is variable “Shards” that each Tesser have which is tracked in the GNDT considered a space? It’s an abstraction so I’m unsure on what the rules might yield.