Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Proposal: Phased expansion

Timed out 2 votes to 2. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Jul 2015 14:56:26 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, “Phases”:

The game is divided into a series of phases, each beginning at 00:00:00 UTC and lasting for four days. The first phase begins at 00:00:00 UTC following the enactment of this rule.

In the rule “Support”, replace

As a daily action, a Tribe may change its Support value to be one of “-” or the name of a Tribe.


Once per phase, a Tribe may change its Support value to be one of “-” or the name of a Tribe.

In the rule “Fuel”, replace

If no Tribe has done so during the previous 4 days, any Tribe may announcing a Drilling Day.


If no Tribe has done so during the current phase, any Tribe may announcing a Drilling Day.


Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

14-07-2015 14:53:33 UTC


Kevan: he/him

14-07-2015 17:37:39 UTC

What’s the advantage in limiting other game aspects to a four-day cycle? I just gave Drilling Days a four-day recharge because a weekly seemed too long.

redtara: they/them

14-07-2015 18:15:17 UTC

Mostly thematic, and in the vein of diplomacy. The idea would be to have a few days of preparation/negotiation followed by a shorter burst of activity during which you discover whether your plans come to fruition or if you’ve been horribly betrayed…

Note the mechanics we have involve

redtara: they/them

14-07-2015 18:16:53 UTC

[accidental submission]

Note the mechanics we have (and the pending trade proposal) involve a certain amount of trust in reciprocal action. Ideally I’d like these kinds of things to be resolved together or at about the same time to emulate the cut-throatery and negotiation of Diplomacy. Phases set up a framework for doing that.

Tantusar: he/they

14-07-2015 22:34:13 UTC

against Slowing down Support changes more?

Kevan: he/him

14-07-2015 22:47:51 UTC

against Simultaneous resolution might be useful, but I can’t see that it needs to be tied to a strict four-day cycle.