Proposal: Physical Dueling
Times out, 1-9—Rodney.
Adminned at 19 Oct 2008 14:33:49 UTC
If the Proposal titled “Back to the Basics” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Create a new dynastic rule titled “Physical Dueling” with the following text:
As a weekly action, a Clansman may challenge another Clansman to a Physical Duel by posting the challenge to Blognomic. In it, the challenger must note the name of the challenged Clansman, and the name of a third Clansman, who will coordinate the Duel. All clansmen involved must accept for the duel to start. When the duel starts, the Challenger and the Challenged must both pick one of their physical stats and PM their choice to the coordinator within 24 hours of the start of the duel. Once the coordinator recieves the choices, they must post them as a comment in the post the Duel is taking place in. In a Physical Duel, Strength beats Skill, Skill beats Reflex, and Reflex beats Strength. Whichever clansman beats the other clansman wins, ending the duel. If both clansmen choose the same stat, the clansman with the higher number in that stat wins the duel, and the duel ends.. If there is a tie in that stage, the duel ends with no winner.
This might need a bit of work, but it is a start.