Saturday, October 10, 2009

Proposal: Pick Your Own Honorary Title, Non-Self-Killed Edition

S/K Darth-2

Adminned at 12 Oct 2009 12:43:42 UTC

In their EVC to this Proposal, Players may include a single text in the form “[TITLE]” where TITLE can be any text. If they do, TITLE (as defined in the previous sentence) is their Title Choice.

If there is a single Title Choice that has appeared in more EVCs than any other Title Choice, select that Title Choice and replace all instances of the text “Master” in rule “Points” and its sub-rules with the text of the selected Title Choice.

From those Players whose Title Choice matched the selected Title Choice, the first three Players that included that Title Choice in their EVC gain 25 Points.


Klisz: Idle

10-10-2009 20:25:40 UTC

for  EAV [Leader. Bucky has achieved victory in the current dynasty]

Klisz: Idle

10-10-2009 20:25:55 UTC

CoV for [Leader. Bucky has achieved victory in the current dynasty.]

Darknight: he/him

10-10-2009 20:53:25 UTC

for [Leader. Darknight has achieved victory in the current dynasty.] so there lol

redtara: they/themIdle

10-10-2009 20:54:44 UTC

for [Leader. Bucky has achieved victory in the current dynasty.]

redtara: they/themIdle

10-10-2009 21:03:01 UTC

CoV for [Leader. Bucky has achieved victory in the current dynasty]
There’s already a period after Master

Kevan: he/him

10-10-2009 22:10:42 UTC

Yuri’s second vote is illegal due to Darth making his DoV half an hour after posting this proposal (which seems perhaps a little close to “primarily to delay the game by putting it into Hiatus”).

It’s a bit early to end the dynasty with a “vote for a winner” proposal, isn’t it?

Klisz: Idle

10-10-2009 22:24:54 UTC

I thought I had won; the voting was only because I personally had no preferences on who the next emperor should be, and I personally don’t want to be emperor again for a while.

Darknight: he/him

10-10-2009 23:01:58 UTC

I was trying to make a tie to negate this

arthexis: he/himIdle

11-10-2009 06:35:19 UTC

against [Leader. Darknight has achieved victory in the current dynasty.]

Guys this is to boring (yuri, DC), please stop playing BN now. You all acting like stupid kinder-gardeners.

redtara: they/themIdle

11-10-2009 06:54:33 UTC

Not a legal vote, as we’re in hiatus.

Kevan: he/him

11-10-2009 09:30:58 UTC

against Voting against is the easiest way to “negate this”.

Excalabur: Idle

11-10-2009 10:27:57 UTC

against Stupid.

Josh: Imperator he/they

11-10-2009 10:28:24 UTC



11-10-2009 11:39:48 UTC

against [Leader]

Shem: Idle

11-10-2009 12:16:35 UTC

against [Leader]

Oze: Idle

11-10-2009 13:53:26 UTC

against [Bah]

Klisz: Idle

11-10-2009 14:55:26 UTC

against  s/k; alright, fine then.

spikebrennan: Idle

12-10-2009 15:51:53 UTC


Wooble: Idle

12-10-2009 16:44:34 UTC

against [Leader]