Proposal: Picking Daisies
timed ou 6-0 with 1 def vote enacted by card
Adminned at 30 Mar 2018 16:24:52 UTC
Change “may choose to add or subtract one from the terrain before” to
may choose to increase or decrease the number representing the terrain by one before
Add a new rule named “Inventory” with the text
A Pawn’s Inventory is a comma separated list that is tracked in the GNDT and can contain only non-Proper nouns.
A Pawn may pick up a noun that is in the cell they are currently in by removing it from the board and placing it their inventory.
Add a “Mirror” to the inventory of each Pawn on the Spades board.
Add a “Pocket Watch” to the inventory of each Pawn on the Hearts board.
Maybe this will move the dynasty into more of a “Scavenger Hunt” direction? hopefully that’s something that people could enjoy. At the very least an inventory is a familiar concept that could inspire more proposals.
Diabecko: Idle
This is more or less what I wanted to post yesterday but I was trying to find uses for items and couldn’t get a proper list up. I should have just posted the mechanic like this and let the rest come naturally.