Monday, September 18, 2017

Proposal: Picking it up

48 hours old and can’t be enacted 1-1 with 1 unresolved def failed by card

Adminned at 21 Sep 2017 00:07:02 UTC

Add a new rule called “Picking up the Katamari” with the following text:

By spending 7 stamina, a prince who is not contained can pick up the Katamari. While the Katamari Is being held, no one can roll it or take or add content to it. The holder can move the Katamari to a new URL.

The Katamari’s holder can put down the Katamari. Doing so increases the irrollability by one but expends no stamina.

Attempting to hold the Katamari for longer than 2 hours overexerts the holder and they collapse from exhaustion. This sets their stamina to 0.

Once the Katamari is set down, all the previously available actions may be taken again.

This does not have any effects yet, but I think it could factor into the win condition, or at least create some interesting repercussions in the future. Additionally, I really tried to balance this one more than some of my other proposals. I hope I did a good job.



18-09-2017 23:21:49 UTC

“set down” =/= “put down” I don’t think


18-09-2017 23:57:18 UTC

I like the idea of being able to lock the Katamari for your own nefarious purposes. It’s a bin unclear what the holder and others can and can’t do - can it be pushed by others? By the holder? Is there a limit on what URLs it can go to? (‘roll’, surprisingly, isn’t in the Dynastic rules)


19-09-2017 02:01:38 UTC

[card] ...Frick. I always make one fatal error in my proposals that ruins a rule, or at least a part of it.

[pokes] The intention was that only the holder of the Katamari can directly interface with it (but that doesn’t mean the holder couldn’t be interfaced with), and actions that are a natural consequence of the Katamari being “grounded”, if you will, such as picking up words are impossible. I apologise if the message I was trying to send didn’t get through.

Kevan: he/him

20-09-2017 14:41:30 UTC



20-09-2017 19:24:11 UTC

against need to define what picking it up does exactly, also “Once the Katamari is set down, all the previously available actions may be taken again.” is probably unnecessary.


20-09-2017 19:35:53 UTC

The point is that it doesn’t really do anything yet. I would rather have the community decide what purposes this action serves rather than having everything already decided. I understand that it doesn’t do much yet, but it’s not supposed to.

That last paragraph was added just to be cautious. My proposals are always scrutinized heavily for minor errors so I attempted to eliminate any ambiguity.


20-09-2017 19:45:42 UTC

But it does do something?
“While the Katamari Is being held, no one can roll it or take or add content to it. The holder can move the Katamari to a new URL.”

You could simply remedy the issues raised in the comment, since you can’t edit it anymore, in another fixer proposal or s/k this one and make a new proposal that is a corrected version.


20-09-2017 19:54:27 UTC

You think that stuff should be able to be added to the Katamari while it’s being held? Or you think there should be more effects of holding it?