Proposal: Picking Up the Pace
Vetoed. -Qwazukee
Adminned at 24 May 2009 18:15:51 UTC
Add a sub-rule to the rule In or Out? entitled Voting Out:
Once per week, and not more often that once every 72 hours, any contestant may make a post saying that they are commencing a Vote Out. Any and all other Contestants may comment on a post containing the name of one other contestant. Voting ends when at least a Quorum of Contestants have commented on that post. Whichever Contestant’s name appears most frequently in the text of the comments when voting concludes becomes an Outsider.
1. We already have Votes, as tracked in the GNDT. We might as well just count those at a certain time, and send Out whoever has the most Votes.
2. The way your Vote Out works, many Contestants would be disenfranchised. That is to say, if 7 Voted for Kevan and 5 Voted for Bucky, then Kevan would be immediately Out, before the other 11 Contestants had their say in the matter.