Plan of action
So here’s the situation: The blog will not, aparently, accept comments with vote icons (and nothing else) in them. So, while 75th and Excalabur sort this out, be sure to have text in all of your comments as well. That or, if no one objects, post :FOR :, :AGAINST :, :IMPERIAL :, or :VETO : and an admin will edit it into the proper form for you. Any objections?
NOTE: Do not edit any comments until all admins voice their opinion on the editing—you can be banned for it unless everyone is going to be okay with it.
EDIT: Apparently, some things are still starting in neg. time, albeit by a matter of 1,500 seconds or so. : |.
Also, I keep getting the page loading with no background color or styles. Just me, or a, EE problem?
Just add text to all your votes.