Proposal: Plans set in motion
Fails 1-9, timed out, with a quorum AGAINST. -Bucky
Adminned at 20 Nov 2008 10:45:21 UTC
2.2.1 Relationship
There exists a GNDT-tracked variable for each character entitled relationship. New Characters start with a relationship of 0. The narrator always has a relationship of 0. Each location possesses an integer which can be negative called the Relationship Modifier. As a daily action any character may add the Relationship Modifier of their current location to their relationship value. On December 25th the relationship values for all active players shall be summed. If the resulting value is positive, Jason survives. If the resulting value is negative. Jason dies.
2.2.1 Planning
There exists a GNDT-tracked variable for each character entitled planning. New Characters start with a planning of 0. The narrator always has a planning of 0. Each location possesses an integer which can be negative called the Planning Modifier. As a daily action any character may add the Planning Modifier of their current location to their planning value. On December 25th the planning values for all active players shall be summed. If the resulting value is positive, Jason survives. If the resulting value is negative or zero, Jason dies.
As a daily action the narrator may comment in the most recently created blog post which has a title containing “New Planning Modifiers” or create a new blog post with that title, stating that two Locations now have a planning modifier, one positive and one negative. A Location may not be given a planning modifier if it already has one. They may not create a positive modifier without creating a negative modifier at the same time and vice versa. They must roll 1DICE4 twice. The first value dice roll becomes the planning modifier of the positive location. The second dice roll is deducted from 0. This becomes the planning modifier for the negative location.
If a location has had a modifier which isn’t equal to zero for 72 hours and the modifier hasn’t been given changed value in these 72 hours, the modifier becomes 0.
All current planning modifiers are set to 0. All charcaters planning is set to 0.
Yoda should make locations have modifiers after an event happens which could affect Jason’s fate. Feel free to veto it if it seems like too much work. Other characters should probably have a method of creating modifiers themselves later on but for now I’d like a framework for all of it.
I have another idea… and I actually like relationship better, but that’s just me.