Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Proposal: Pocket Reminder

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 22 May 2020 21:10:34 UTC

In the rule “Mementos” replace

An Amnesiac with no Mementoes who does not have a pending post to Search their Pockets may publicly Search their Pockets by making a blog post to that effect. A post to Search their Pockets is Pending if the Past Memory has not replied to it. If the Amnesiac’s Role is an Owner of at least one Memento, The Past Memory should make a single comment on that post naming a secretly random such Memento: upon doing so, that Amnesiac begins to openly carry that Memento if they aren’t already doing so. Otherwise, the Past Memory should make a single comment on that post indicating that no such Memento exists.


Once per act, an Amnesiac whose Role is Remembered or who is not openly carrying any Mementoes may publicly Search their Pockets by making a blog post to that effect. If the Amnesiac’s Role is an Owner of at least one Memento which they are not openly carrying, The Past Memory should make a single comment on that post naming a secretly random such Memento: upon doing so, that Amnesiac begins to openly carry that Memento if they aren’t already doing so. Otherwise, the Past Memory should make a single comment on that post indicating that no such Memento exists.


Remove the whole “pending” thing and just let people do this once per act. Then allow Amnesiacs who have remembered their role to get multiple items.


Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

21-05-2020 01:34:46 UTC



21-05-2020 02:29:17 UTC


Kevan: he/him

21-05-2020 08:42:03 UTC

against Deducing out your role is already a reward (it removes the inability to achieve victory), I don’t think those players also need an extra item as a prize.

And that’s if their role even has a second item; Clucky’s likely role does, but others won’t get anything from this.

Josh: he/they

21-05-2020 10:28:25 UTC

Is this all just so that Clucky can guarantee access to a hammer?

against Because it doesn’t benefit me as things stand.


21-05-2020 12:45:05 UTC

against How come Amnesiacs get to find more things in their pockets only once they remember who they are?

I’d be happy with this change without a special case for Remembered roles (either allowing all Amnesiacs to search multiple times, or else, allowing none of them to), but as it is, this is basically just a rich-get-richer mechanic, which tends to lead to unfun gameplay when enacted early in a dynasty.

derrick: he/him

21-05-2020 13:05:21 UTC


carpenters need hammers!

Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

21-05-2020 18:19:17 UTC

against cov

Clucky: he/him

21-05-2020 18:45:58 UTC

right now there continues to be no incentive to formally deduce your role. Its actually a negative, because you’ve taken information only you know (I know my role) and turned it into information everyone knows (Clucky knows their role). The victory thing isn’t a reward because you can always just wait to formally deduce your role right before you want to achieve victory.


21-05-2020 21:23:52 UTC

CoV for

Kevan: he/him

22-05-2020 09:17:06 UTC

I know it makes sense to delay the reveal until the last possible moment, but how is being released from “cannot win” prison not a reward?


22-05-2020 09:47:49 UTC

CoV against


22-05-2020 15:35:03 UTC

CoV for

Sorry, everyone. This is a surprisingly hard proposal to make my mind up about.

Clucky: he/him

22-05-2020 20:12:25 UTC

@Kevan it is a reward. But like you said, it makes sense to delay to the last possible moment. This would reward doing is sooner

Kevan: he/him

22-05-2020 20:29:40 UTC

I agree it adds an interesting decision - revealing sooner at the cost of giving away more information. It’s the imbalance that bothers me; someone with a two-Memento Role might get their second item, someone with a one-Memento Role will never get anything. You know you’re in the former group so like this idea. I don’t know which group I’m in (or how powerful Mementoes will be by the endgame), so it’s less appealing.

Clucky: he/him

22-05-2020 20:30:16 UTC

anyways, technically 4-3 but stuff is running hot enough I’d rather not squeak by a proposal that is only passing because one person is on the fence about it so I’m just gonna sk against

if naught comes back we’ll want to take a beat to reset the state of the dynasty anyways. And if he doesn’t come back this proposal does nothing.

Clucky: he/him

22-05-2020 20:31:57 UTC

>  It’s the imbalance that bothers me; someone with a two-Memento Role might get their second item, someone with a one-Memento Role will never get anything

But doesn’t that actually make things balanced?

Someone with a one-Memento role can perform all of their actions. Someone with a two-Memento role has role actions they can’t perform. This would’ve balanced things so that both role type can perform all their actions.