Proposal: Poisoning others
Timed out and passed 9-1. Brendan
Adminned at 04 Nov 2007 13:46:52 UTC
If there is no rule entitled “Poison”, this proposal is void.
Add to the rule “Beer Seller”:
When the Beer Seller makes a sale, before he rolls to determine the recipient of the Ale Tankard, he may remove a vial of poison he from his inventory to poison the recipient of the Ale Tankard. The effect of this is identical to the recipient drinking the poison voluntarily, as described in the rule “Poison”
Add a subrule to “Occupations” entitled “Food-Related Occupations”:
The following occupations are food-related occupations: acater, costermonger, eggler, fishmonger, fruiterer, greengrocer, pie seller.
Anyone with a food-related occupation may poison any other villager by removing a vial of poison from his inventory and informing the Mayor who he has poisoned. The effect of this is identical to the recipient drinking the poison voluntarily, as described in the rule “Poison”.
Add a subrule to “Poison” entitled “Poisoning the Well”:
Any villager with a vial of poison in his inventory may choose to poison the town well by removing the poison from their inventory and informing the Mayor of their action. The Mayor will then randomly select four living villagers, who are then poisoned. The effects are identical to them drinking the poison voluntarily (as described above), except the chance of death is reduced to 3 in 16 for villagers in the target group and 1 in 16 for all other villagers.
Add a subrule to “Poison” entitled “Pouring it Out”:
Any villager with a vial of poison in his inventory may choose to remove it from his inventory without any further effect.
Hopefully, this will help with the problem on the other proposal of people calling for ways to poison other villagers.
Darknight: he/him
better then forceing us to drink