Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Proposal: Polizia di carte

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 17 Mar 2021 09:30:10 UTC

In “The Game”, replace “Beginning with the Starting Player, Players of the Game take turns to make a Play, being a comment to the Game’s Table that names exactly one Card.” with

Beginning with the Starting Player, Players of the Game take turns to make a Play, being a comment to the Game’s Table that takes a form described in the subrule “Plays”.

Create a new subrule of The Game called Plays:

A Play is one of the following:
- A comment that begins with “Carta:” and names exactly one Card.
- A comment of “Incerto”. If the previous play was a Carta play, the dealer should respond to the Incerto play with a comment that says whether the previous Carta play named a card that was in the hand of the player that made the Carta play.


Kevan: he/him

16-03-2021 12:54:07 UTC

Where’s this going - towards a game where players can choose to play cards they don’t have (essentially “playing a card face-down and saying what it was”, I suppose) and hope that they don’t get challenged?


16-03-2021 13:02:16 UTC

I suppose so? It was based on the original game itself letting you name any card, and this is pretty open-ended. I’d like a direction where getting caught has such a large penalty that it keeps everyone honest but if it turns into a bluffing game that’s cool too.

Lulu: she/her

16-03-2021 13:03:19 UTC

against don’t like where this might lead, sorry


16-03-2021 13:06:04 UTC

I also thought breaking out plays encourages adding more - I wanted to add a third option that raises the stakes (‘puntare’?) but it was too hard to figure out how to do that in the game’s amorphous state.

Kevan: he/him

16-03-2021 13:15:29 UTC

The base structure allowing players to name any card was just necessity; if the rule said “play a card that’s in your hand”, it would be possible to make a ruleset-illegal move (possibly at the start of a very long game) potentially with nobody noticing.

Invalid cards as small bluffs or as game-invalidating rule breaches (where the Dealer can step in at any point to end a game where someone played a card they didn’t have, and has to verify a game at the end before scoring it) are bother interesting directions to take a game, I’d be happy to see either.

Lulu: she/her

16-03-2021 13:16:49 UTC

I honestly don’t like this becoming a bluffing game, and I don’t see how it won’t become one with how the plays are structured.

Kevan: he/him

16-03-2021 13:21:54 UTC

imperial Imperial DEF on this one, up to the players what sort of basic game they want to play.

Josh: he/they

16-03-2021 14:34:05 UTC

I agree with Jumble; I feel like this is more of a cribbage-style game than a cheat-style game.  against

Raven1207: he/they

16-03-2021 17:11:11 UTC


Zack: he/him

16-03-2021 17:20:47 UTC

against I’m not opposed to a bluffing mechanic but I’d like to come up with a simple game structure first


16-03-2021 18:44:44 UTC

against s/k