Call for Judgment: Poor Keba
Reaches Quorum (without Keba) and passes. Josh
Adminned at 26 Mar 2010 06:58:33 UTC
It appears that Keba has been getting the power requirements for his inventions incorrect.
Oh, damn, I thought square means “root” because of “sqrt” functions in programming languages. (sqrt means square root then)... Well, I do not know how to fix that. Revert both inventions and all actions?
To be honest, I have messed up that at all older Inventions, too. The PR has been a bit too low for some weeks. I really do not know how to fix that.
Reverting everything I did since then? Even the raids and scavenging? Or just revet my two latest invention an a Coal penalty?
This CfJ assumes that most players would want to avoid reverting all of Keba’s actions and all actions that have been dependent upon them. It seems to me that the problem is sufficiently ornate that a clean-slate approach is probably fairest and easiest; therefore, if this CfJ is enacted, all of Keba’s inventions are to be dismantled and his GNDT statistics should be reset, as if he were a new player. Furthermore, any actions undertaken by Keba between the posting of this CfJ and its enactment, and any actions dependent upon those actions, should be reverted.
Josh: Mastermind he/they