Thursday, March 25, 2010

Call for Judgment: Poor Keba

Reaches Quorum (without Keba) and passes. Josh

Adminned at 26 Mar 2010 06:58:33 UTC

It appears that Keba has been getting the power requirements for his inventions incorrect.

Oh, damn, I thought square means “root” because of “sqrt” functions in programming languages. (sqrt means square root then)... Well, I do not know how to fix that. Revert both inventions and all actions?

To be honest, I have messed up that at all older Inventions, too. The PR has been a bit too low for some weeks. I really do not know how to fix that.

Reverting everything I did since then? Even the raids and scavenging? Or just revet my two latest invention an a Coal penalty?


This CfJ assumes that most players would want to avoid reverting all of Keba’s actions and all actions that have been dependent upon them. It seems to me that the problem is sufficiently ornate that a clean-slate approach is probably fairest and easiest; therefore, if this CfJ is enacted, all of Keba’s inventions are to be dismantled and his GNDT statistics should be reset, as if he were a new player. Furthermore, any actions undertaken by Keba between the posting of this CfJ and its enactment, and any actions dependent upon those actions, should be reverted.


Josh: Mastermind he/they

25-03-2010 18:48:47 UTC

EAV for


25-03-2010 19:04:58 UTC


Sorry again.


25-03-2010 19:34:10 UTC

for  Remember, each time I’ve raided it was dependent upon Keba raiding and having Armor. So the lack of Armor reverts my Raids as well.


25-03-2010 19:38:47 UTC

Darth, the CfJ doesn’t actually allow that to happen as written.


25-03-2010 19:42:00 UTC

It would revert even more: Without Wings I could not have travelled to another County and would not have gained a scavenging bonus. So all trades based on some special scavenging (and of the Raid of course), should be reverted. Should this also revert Josh’s permuting actions?

Also I lend Put some Resources, he used them to build his Armor Invention.

There might be some other problems. I assume reverting all actions and all actions depending on these actions could never work.


25-03-2010 19:42:45 UTC

Anonyman: I assume he should have used the conditional :)


25-03-2010 19:59:43 UTC



26-03-2010 01:01:47 UTC

CoV against  per Anonyman.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

26-03-2010 07:06:58 UTC

DC - You want the resolution to this to be to unwind every action taken in the game since Keba built his first invention? Because that’s more or less what it would take.

ais523: Mastermind

26-03-2010 09:04:07 UTC

against Good idea in general, but there’s a really serious glitch in the wording that could cause a massive mess. You see, one of the actions taken between the CFJ’s proposal and its enactment is Keba’s vote on this CFJ; and enacting the CFJ is (indirectly) dependent on that vote. So the CFJ reverts itself on enactment, leading to a really nasty paradox.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

26-03-2010 09:10:21 UTC

Ah. Good point ais.

Surely that’s only a problem, though, if the CfJ is enacted with exact quorum? If it passes with 8 votes then it can lose his without being problematic…

(So it seems like this is a problem only if the enacting admin has a sense of mischief.)

Josh: Mastermind he/they

26-03-2010 09:11:21 UTC

Having said that… the wording is that these actions “should” be reverted. So the enacting admin can presumably use their discression.


26-03-2010 09:45:53 UTC

CoV imperial per ais. If there were a problem, there is no one any more.

I hope and assume all my votes count, but they “should not be counted” per this CfJ. So it depends on the enacting admin?

ais523: Mastermind

26-03-2010 13:14:55 UTC

CoV DEF does nothing on a CfJ, because DEF isn’t a valid voting icon. However, for per Josh’s point; “should” is not binding in a nomic.


26-03-2010 13:35:10 UTC

for CoV

Kevan: he/him

26-03-2010 13:47:00 UTC



26-03-2010 13:48:43 UTC

Well if I can’t DEF I’ll for