Proposal: Positions and Ammo Clerk (isn’t that familiar?)
High Command believe in specialisation. Specifically, they believe in forcing the least suitable person to carry additional ammo with which to stock their comrades. Private Rodlen edged out his lesser fellow men to take the position of Ammo Clerk. Enjoy your backache!
Reporting, Devenger.
(Reached quorum, 14-0. Rodlen selected.)
Adminned at 16 Feb 2009 06:56:43 UTC
Create a new dynastic rule, titled Positions, with the following text:
There exists a statistic for each soldier called Position, which is tracked in the GNDT. Each Position may have a set of bonuses and requirements, noted by its entry in this rule. Each Soldier may have one Position. Soldiers may only have a Position that they meet the requirements for. New Soldiers start with no position.
The following are valid values for the Position statistic, with requirements and bonuses listed with them:
*Ammo Clerk: Only one soldier may be an Ammo Clerk. Once per week, the Ammo Clerk may give 30 ammo to any other Soldier.
With their vote on this proposal, each Soldier may mention the name of one other Soldier. The Soldier who is mentioned with the most valid votes gets the position of Ammo Clerk. In the case of a tie, Amnistar gets the position of Ammo Clerk.
Ammo Clerk? That sounds oddly familiar. DiDn’t the DDA hAve something just like it? Energy Clerk, wasn’t it?
arthexis: he/him