Proposal: Potpourri
Passed 8-2 by Bucky, timed out and past Quorum. Dropped like it’s Scandinavian.
Adminned at 02 May 2006 14:56:52 UTC
Enact the following in order.
If at least half of comments containing counted votes contain the “Drop It Like It’s Xâ€, where X is one of the bolded titles, do not enact anything in the blockquote immediately following the bolded title.
Add a rule entitled “I Can Hear You”:
Two Monks are considered to be an Audible Distance away if both Monks are within ten Moves of one another without going through any Doors, Locked Doors, Walls, or Blank Spaces.
Any Monk can hear a Noise made by a Monk an Audible Distance away.
If the rule Fighting exists, add the sentence “When a Monk Picks a Fight, e makes a Noise.” to the end of it.
Add a rule entitled “Chanting”.
Any Monk may often start a Chant if e hasn’t chanted yet that day.
When a Monk starts a Chant, e chants.
Any Monk that is within Audible Distance of a chanting monk also chants, unless e has already chanted that day.
When a Monk chants, e gains X Integrity, where X is the number of Monks that wouldn’t have chanted if e hadn’t chanted.
Example: Hix starts a Chant. Eir chanting causes both Elias IX, who is 10 moves left, and Bucky, who is 10 moves right, to chant. Bucky’s chanting causes Rodney and Thelonious, who are both 7 moves right of Bucky, to chant.
If Hix hadn’t chanted, five Monks (Hix, Elias IX, Bucky, Rodney, and Thelonious) wouldn’t have chanted, so e gains 5 integrity.
If Bucky hadn’t chanted, three Monks (Bucky, Rodney, and Thelonious) wouldn’t have chanted, so e gains 3 integrity.
Rodney and Thelonious both gain one, since they can’t cause each other to chant, since even if either hadn’t chanted, the other one still would.
Lastly, Elias gains 1 integrity.
Add a rule entitled “The Pirates of IKEA”
Viking raids occur once a week. Once per day, if a Viking raid hasn’t yet occurred that week, a DICEX shall be rolled, where X is determined by the number of days until the week ends, rounded up. Example: Monday = 7, Tuesday = 6,... Saturday = 2, Sunday = 1. If the result of this dice roll is a 1, then a Viking raid occurs. The Monk who rolled the die shall then post to the Main Page with either the title “grrrr grrrr grrrr” or “Viking Raid”. E can insert anything more into the post’s body that e wishes.
When a Viking raid occurs, any Monk who is on a space signified by a period (i.e., on the grounds) has eir Fitness reduced by 2.
Add a rule entitled Jankenpon.
Any Monk may once per each period of Game Day, Game Night, or Midlight Period initiate a game of “Jesus, Peter, Judas” with any Monk within two Moves of em. Initiating a game of Jesus, Peter, Judas makes a Noise.
E does this by first posting a comment to the GNDT choosing only one of the following: “Jesus”, “Peter”, and “Judas”. E then rolls a DICE3, which determines the other Monk’s play. A roll of a 1 means the other Monk played “Jesus”, a roll of 2, “Peter”, and a roll of 3, “Judas”.
If one Monk played “Jesus” and the other played “Peter”, than the Monk that played “Jesus” wins.
If one Monk played “Peter” and the other played “Judas”, than the Monk that played “Peter” wins.
If one Monk played “Judas” and the other played “Jesus”, than the Monk that played “Judas” wins.If both Monks played the same, then increase both Monks’ Integrity by 1 for showing exemplary biblical unity. Then decrease both Monks’ Integrity by 1 for ungodly telepathy.
Winning or losing a game of Jesus, Peter, Judas have no effects until this Ruleset explicitly defines effects for those events, at which time this sentence shall be deleted.
Jesus, Peter, Judas is a relatively sacred game for Monks, and thus may have different effects during different times of day/night/midlight.
The Monk that initated the game shall then post to the Main Page the results of the game.
While I like some of the concepts, I think that all 3 sections have issues.
First of all: With the chanting, I really like this, but there are too many monks at or near A-18N for this to work well. The first Monk on after Midnight takes a huge integrity bonus every day.
Second, the Viking Raids will make the problem in the previous part worse, and cause problems of its own, by making sure that nobody goes outside between Sunday and whenever the raid happens. This would place yet another dampner on game activity.
Finally, your
Jankenpon game has some serious issues. For example, Judas shouldn’t beat Jesus. (That job was reserved for Roman soldiers) Instead, he beat himself.
“Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that.
And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. (Matthew 27:3-5)
Drop It Like It’s Musical
Drop It Like It’s Scandinavian
Drop It Like It’s Childish