Friday, January 25, 2013

Proposal: Power to the people

Vetoed. — Quirck

Adminned at 26 Jan 2013 04:30:38 UTC

Enact a new rule entitled “Voting Power”:

Honourable members have an integer Voting Power ranging from 1 to 5, tracked in the GNDT.  By default, all Hon. Members and de-idling Hon. Members begin with 1 Voting Power.  For each Voting Power, an Hon. Member may add an additional vote to any proposal. Such a vote will be counted as normal a vote for all intents and purposes.  At no time, however, may an Hon. Member vote more than twice on any one proposal.  Hon. Members gain a Voting Power whenever a Proposal they make is enacted and lose a Voting Power whenever a Proposal they make is failed.  An Hon. Member may never have less than 1 Voting Power or more than 5.

Proposing an interesting mechanic to add votes.  Given distributing the votes, it’s not too powerful, but well placed it can help things.  Also keeping the Voting Power low to keep it away from win conditions and allowing for relative balance.



25-01-2013 03:16:49 UTC

veto arrow because it won’t work as written. “add an additional vote” doesn’t actually do what you want it to do, because you have to define how to count multiple votes on a proposal (also you need to consider the impact on the quorum requirements for resolving votes, since simply giving people more votes is not enough to change a Quorum).


25-01-2013 03:18:12 UTC

(I suggest coming on IRC to get some advice from people on how to write proposals that will do what you want).

Also, for arrow on principle, despite the veto.


25-01-2013 05:10:40 UTC

I’ve tried going on IRC here and there, but not had luck with being on it at the same time as others (?).


25-01-2013 05:33:33 UTC

I also noticed this while I was writing the rule, but I wasn’t sure how to phrase it.  I was thinking something along the lines of making it count as an anonymous player vote and what not.  This wording came about, as I was trying to have the vote simply default to ‘an extra vote’ - with out affecting Quorum itself.  I like this idea, and I would appreciate help in wording this a bit better.


25-01-2013 13:46:26 UTC

“Hon. Members gain a Voting Power whenever a Proposal they make is enacted and lose a Voting Power whenever a Proposal they make is failed.  An Hon. Member may never have less than 1 Voting Power or more than 5.”

Arguably this means that a Proposal which Author has a Voting Power of 1 cannot be failed, and that a Proposal which Author has a Voting Power of 5 cannot be enacted!


25-01-2013 14:44:56 UTC

That would be a tough argument to make.  Especially, as nothing prevents a Proposal from becoming failed.  That being said, it could be clarified to read, “... Unless this would result in a Voting Power less than 1 or more than 5” - or something along those lines.  I’ll repost the idea when I come up with better wording.