Proposal: Power to the Systems
Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 1 vote to 4 by Kevan.
Adminned at 26 Jul 2023 13:33:38 UTC
Add a subrule to the rule “Subsystems”. Call it “Power Sources” and give it the following text:
A Machinist who has not Moved since the most recent instance of Passing Time may spend 1 Coal to increase the Power of any Facility in the Megasystem they inhabit by 1. If they are inhabiting the System of Motion, they may increase the power of a second Facility in the System of Motion by 1.
As a Mechanized Action called Residing, a Machinist in the System of Dwelling may increase the Power of any Facility in the System of Dwelling by either four or half (rounded down) the number of instances of Passing Time since they last inhabited another Facility, whichever is less.
If there is a Facility in the System of Control called the “Distributor”, and if nobody has Charged the Distributor since the most recent instance of Passing Time, any Machinist or the Great Machine may take an action called Charging the Distributor, which increases the Power of the Distributor by the number of Facilities in the System of Control, to a maximum power of the higher of twice that number or 10.
If there is no Facility in the System of Control called the “Distributor”, any Machinist or the Great Machine may create such a Facility with 2 Power, ACTIVE status, and a Function of “Divide the Power in this Facility evenly among the Facilities in the System of Control, keeping the remainder in this Facility; then, if at least 2 Power remains in this Facility, transfer one Power from this Facility to a Facility of your choice.”
Kevan: he/him