Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Proposal: Power Up the Probulator

Enacted with quorum in favour, 7-2. Josh

Adminned at 23 Mar 2022 14:29:43 UTC

Create a rule called Probulator Operation:

The Probulator is a publicly tracked list of Events, Seeds, and Algorithms.  Each Event is a string representing a particular event or source of randomness that the Probulator can predict.  Each Algorithm Name is the name of an Algorithm defined in this ruleset.  Each Seed represents the current state of that event or source of randomness. 
Some rules may define Algorithms.  Algorithms consist of a Name, a Seed Data Type, a Default Seed, an Output Data Type and a Process.  The Algorithm Name is a unique string of text that identifies a particular algorithm.  The Seed Data Type and Output Data Type refer to the types of values that the Seed may be and that the Algorithm may return (respectively).  The Process is a set of instructions to generate a value.
Some actions may instruct you to use the Probulator with a given ID.  To do so, perform the following as an Atomic Action:
Find the definition of the Algorithm corresponding to that particular ID.
Perform the Algorithm’s Process as an Atomic Action.  If the Process refers to the algorithm or any of the algorithm’s values, use the values from the Probulator table corresponding to the current entry.
The Process will generate or return some value.  Continue the action that caused you to use the Probulator with that value.

Researchers may not use the Probulator unless a rule specifies to.  Any action that would set an Event’s Seed to a value not allowed in the Event’s Algorithm’s Seed Data Type, or which would cause an Algorithm to return a value not allowed in its Output Data Type is invalid.

Create a subrule of Probulator Operation called Qubit Prediction:

Define an Algorithm with the following properties:
Name: Single Qubit
Seed Data Type: 0 or 1
Output Data Type: 0 or 1
Default Seed: 0
The algorithm returns its current Seed value.
If the Seed is 0, set it to 1.  Otherwise, set it to 0.

Add two entries to the Probulator with the following values:

ID: Test Qubit A
Seed: 0
Algorithm: Single Qubit

ID: Test Qubit B
Seed: 1
Algorithm: Single Qubit



SingularByte: he/him

22-03-2022 06:16:36 UTC


Josh: he/they

22-03-2022 10:34:13 UTC

The Probulator is a publicly tracked list of Events, Seeds, and Algorithms.  Each Event is a string representing a particular event or source of randomness that the Probulator can predict.  Each Algorithm Name is the name of an Algorithm defined in this ruleset.  Each Seed represents the current state of that event or source of randomness.

Some rules may define Algorithms.  Algorithms consist of a Name, a Seed Data Type, a Default Seed, an Output Data Type and a Process.  The Algorithm Name is a unique string of text that identifies a particular algorithm.  The Seed Data Type and Output Data Type refer to the types of values that the Seed may be and that the Algorithm may return (respectively).  The Process is a set of instructions to generate a value.

Is there no way to make this more readable?

for with reservations on whether half of these sentences actually work, just, linguistically

Lulu: she/her

22-03-2022 10:44:59 UTC


Josh: he/they

22-03-2022 10:46:47 UTC

I think Event and ID are intended to be the same term here, but one was changed and the other wasn’t?

Josh: he/they

22-03-2022 10:58:23 UTC

CoV against This is just not sufficiently readable, I think, to base a new dynasty off of, and the inconsistent use of keyword language is a bit too much to want to put into the ruleset without knowing a fix is coming. I’ve tried to re-write a little in Proposal: Simplification, hopefully it gets at what this proposal wants to do while being a little easier on the eye.

Raven1207: he/they

22-03-2022 13:39:51 UTC


Roujo: he/him

22-03-2022 15:05:23 UTC



22-03-2022 16:14:19 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

23-03-2022 13:52:21 UTC

against for the same reasons as Josh