Proposal: Practical Fighting
Timed out (4-2) by Hix
Adminned at 26 Jun 2006 13:22:28 UTC
Change the fourth paragraph of Rule 2.16 “Fighting” to read,
Being involved in a fight causes a loss of Integrity equal to 2*S for whoever starts it and S for the other Monk. If either Monk is undergoing a Vow of Pacifism, the Integrity loss for a Monk who starts a fight is three times the normal amount. If there has already been a Fight of greater Severity in the same Room as either Monk in the last 24 hours, the Integrity loss for both monks is one quarter what it would be otherwise. Round losses down. This loss may make either Monk’s Integrity negative.
Add the following sentence to the end of the third paragraph of the same rule:
However, if a Monk’s Temporary Fitness plus twice eir Blessings is less than -1/3 times eir Fitness, e loses Fitness instead of Temporary Fitness.
dum Dum du-du DUM DUM, Dum du-du DUM DUM, Dum du-du DUM DUM, Dum du-du DUM!