Proposal: Predators Prefer Live Prey
Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 15 Dec 2024 20:18:46 UTC
In the rule “Predators”, just before the text “The following Predators exist” add this text:
A Snail is considered Prey if all of the following are true for that Snail:
* That Snail has a Status of “Healthy”
* That Snail is On the Track
* That Snail has a Position greater than 0cm but less than the Finish Line
* If that Snail is not a Slug, it has at least 1 Play
* That Snail is not the Slug of Death
In the same rule, for each Predator’s Effect text, replace each instance of “Healthy Snail” and each instance of “Healthy Snails” with “Prey”.
In the same rule remove the text “The Slug of Death and Snails not on the Track are ignored for the purposes of determining Predator targets”.
In the same rule, after the text “take any dynastic action which would change their Position” add “if their Position is currently a numeric value”.
Trying to be fair to Snails who haven’t done anything in the Ongoing Race yet so they won’t be affected by Predators. Also fixed an issue where Snails that aren’t Healthy could wind up being put in the Bucket, remain non-Healthy, and miss the next Race because they couldn’t change their Position from “Bucket” to “Bench”.