Proposal: Preparing for war
Quorumed 11-0 -Darth
Adminned at 13 Jan 2011 08:10:57 UTC
Add a new rule called “Health”
Each ant and creature has a stat called health which is tracked in the GNDT in a column also called health. New ants start at ten health. As a daily action, may increase their health by two if they are underground or one if they are above ground.
If an ant’s health is ever zero, the ant is said to be dead. An ant which is dead may not take any actions outlined in dynastic rules of the ruleset with the exception of the following sentence. If an ant has been dead for 24 hours, they may reset all of their stats tracked in the GNDT to that of a new ant and are no longer dead.
Set each ants health to ten. If any ants are dead, they are no longer dead and cannot reset their stats.
Sets up the basics of a potential combat mechanic. I’d like to see ya’ll working together to fight other creatures, but maybe allow you to fight other ants (or even the queen) but only if you want the rest of the nest to turn on you.