Thursday, September 30, 2010

Proposal: Press to Activate

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 01 Oct 2010 01:58:16 UTC

Enact a new Rule, “The Red Phone”:-

The Director of Operations may be Telephoned by emailing .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). The Director of Operations may also be referred to as “D-Ops”.

Enact a new Rule, “Dossier”:-

Each Agent may have a Codename and a Description. An Agent’s Description is tracked in the GNDT; all other details are tracked privately by D-Ops.

An Agent’s description includes a Height (measured in feet and inches, between 5’0” and 6’4”), a Nationality (American, British, French, East German, Russian or West German) and a Cover Job (Academic, Banker, Courier, Diplomat, Journalist or Tourist).

Enact a new Rule, “Briefing”:-

Any Agent who does not have a Codename may Telephone the Director of Operations to request an identity.

Upon receiving such a request, D-Ops may reply, giving an interim Codename (of D-Ops’ choice) and an interim Description (generated at random from all possible Descriptions, excluding those already held by other Agents).

The Agent who receives such a reply may update the GNDT once to change their Description to this interim Description; upon doing so, the Agent’s Codename is set to the interim Codename.

Basic groundwork for a spy-themed dynasty, with what I hope is a straightforward mechanic for secure transmission of codenames, without having to faff around confirming email addresses.


Josh: he/they

30-09-2010 11:33:44 UTC


Roujo: he/him

30-09-2010 11:56:14 UTC

for =P


30-09-2010 12:01:06 UTC

for assuming that the theme doesn’t change after the rules are correctly reset.


30-09-2010 13:41:44 UTC

(Previous 2 “votes” were made during Hiatus)


30-09-2010 14:20:18 UTC

@Hix: That’s legal nowadays… rule 1.9 allows action to be taken under rule 1.4 even during Hiatus.

Thane Q:

30-09-2010 14:38:45 UTC



30-09-2010 16:37:33 UTC

and here is my legal Hiatus vote…


30-09-2010 16:59:20 UTC



30-09-2010 18:48:26 UTC



01-10-2010 07:18:22 UTC

Is this the first non-core (by the modern definition) proposal to survive an ascension?