Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Call for Judgment: Preventing my lies

Quorumed 7-1 -Darth

Adminned at 07 Oct 2009 11:46:25 UTC

ais523, Josh, and Darknight are Cultists. If any other Survivor was a Cultist prior to the creation of this CfJ, they cease to be a Cultist. If any of these Survivors was not a Cultist prior to the creation of this CfJ, they become a Cultist.


Josh: he/they

06-10-2009 19:55:05 UTC

Incidentally, it’s currently impossible for a Cultist to achieve victory, unless they’re all Infected or there are more than 4 of them. Which seems a bit harsh. (Yeah, I was totally hoping for a last-Cultist-standing rule.)

Josh: he/they

06-10-2009 19:55:42 UTC

for  in the understanding of my inevitable beating)


06-10-2009 20:09:22 UTC


ais523: Custodian

06-10-2009 20:11:25 UTC

for The fact that I have basically no chance of winning, being a Cultist, means that I’m going around trying to help other people win, which makes a hash of the mechanics. (And I have a Contribution far too high to have any hope of winning when Infected, too…) The mechanics for this dynasty incidentally won’t work at all well if we have more than a few Infected, it’ll be relatively random who wins. (Annoyingly, I’ve already changed my Watching today, and I chose arthexis on general principles; he could potentially cause trouble by teaming with me, and I can’t do anything about it until tomorrow.)

redtara: they/them

06-10-2009 20:22:34 UTC


arthexis: he/him

06-10-2009 20:24:45 UTC



06-10-2009 20:28:42 UTC

imperial -> for


06-10-2009 21:47:01 UTC



07-10-2009 18:45:53 UTC
