Primitive Point System
I propose a new rule entitled “Death Points” be added to the ruleset that reads as follows;
Protagonists have a deathpoint value which is tracked by the GNDT. When a protagonist’s HP is reduced to zero eir deathpoint value increases by 1. Deathpoints may not be affected except as specified explicitly by the rules.
Set all protagonist’s death points to 0.
Add a new rule entitled “Murder Points” to the ruleset that reads as follows:
Protagonists have a murderpoint value which is tracked by the GNDT. When a protagonist (hereafter in this rule referred to as the slayer) makes an action that causes another protagonist’s (hereafter in this rule referred to as the slain) HP to reduce to zero, the slayer’s murderpoint value is increased by 1. Murderpoints may not be affected except as specified explicitly by the rules.
An item called “Scalp of Y” is added to the slayer’s inventory, where Y is the name of the slain
Ignore the last paragraph of the above block quote if more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Scalping is gross”. A scalp has yet to be defined… will leave that up to anyone who wants to :-D
Add a deathpoint field to the GNDT.
Add a murderpoint field to the GNDT.
Once we get started properly we can reset the points to zero, thought it may just be nice to get something like this up and running