Proposal: [Project: Cleanup] [Core] This burden is now yours.
Reached quorum 8 votes to 2 with 11 arrows on EVCs. Enacted with rider, by Kevan.
Adminned at 14 Mar 2020 18:11:32 UTC
Replace the portion of Victory and Ascension starting “When a DoV is Enacted” and ending “rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed” as follows:
When a DoV is Enacted, all other pending DoVs are Failed, and a new Dynasty begins in which the Nobleman who made the DoV becomes the Louis XIV.
The new Louis XIV will make an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category. This should specify the Louis XIV’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and it may optionally specify that the terms Nobleman and Louis XIV will be replaced with theme-specific terms throughout the entire Ruleset, and/or list a number of dynastic rules to keep. When such an Ascension Address is posted, the Ruleset is updated to reflect any changed terms, and any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed. Between the enactment of the DoV and the posting of the Ascension Address, no new DoV may be made and BlogNomic is on Hiatus.
Before an Ascension Address has been posted for a new Dynasty, the Louis XIV may attempt to pass the role of Louis XIV to another Nobleman by making a post to that effect. That Nobleman may refuse the role by commenting on that post to that effect, in which case it is not passed to them, or may accept the role, either by commenting on that post to that effect or by making an Ascension Address. If that Nobleman does not respond, the Louis XIV may rescind the attempt to pass, either by comment, by making another attempt, or by making an Ascension Address.
If a Quorum of Effective Vote Comments on this Proposal contain , replace the last paragraph of the above amendment with:
Before an Ascension Address has been posted for a new Dynasty, the Louis XIV may pass the role of Louis XIV to another Nobleman by making a post to that effect.
Yes, urgh, an Effective Vote Comment-based Proposal. But the wording isn’t really at issue, it’s the concept itself. I’ve tried to remove every tripwire I can from this. If you still don’t think that’s enough, and you’d rather leave the problem to CfJs, is there for you.