Proposal: prop. 3
Failed. Self-killed. Failed by smith.
Adminned at 17 Mar 2006 14:56:03 UTC
Add the following text to the rule entitled “Distimming”:
Any Gostak with Dosh may give one of eir Dosh to another Gostak at any time.
In the rule entitled Inhabitants, change:
If the result is greater than 5 plus the amount of cheese e has, e immediately is moved to the Lobby
If the result is greater than 5 plus the amount of cheese e has, the Demons immediately Abduct em to the Lobby. Whenever this happens, a Shiny Demon disappears.
Is this stripped down enough?
Whether or not at least half of all text containing counted votes also contains the comment “Bucky Wins,” Add the following to an unofficial post in the Blognomic blog:
Bucky may declare victory at any time.