Sunday, May 10, 2009

Proposal: Prop-aganda

7 votes against; can’t pass without a change of vote. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 11 May 2009 04:25:25 UTC

Create a new subrule, 2.7.2 titled “Film Prop-aganda” with the following text:

As a weekly action, a Scripter may create a Promotional Poster for the film. To do this, the Scripter makes a Story Post with the title “Promotional Poster: X,” where “X” is replaced by the name of an Action Prop that has not previously been used in a Promotional Poster. The body of the Story Post must contain a catchphrase for the movie (preferably involving the Action Prop) and the name of the Action Prop being used. The end of the body of the Story Post must read “5-5-2010,” as that is the tentative release date of the film (subject to change at any time).

Whenever a Scripter creates a Promotional Poster, he receives Royalties equal to the Challenge Rating of the Action Prop he used.

Example Promotional Poster:

Title: Promotional Poster: Indiana Jones’ Amazing Deadly Whip

Body: Get ready to be “whipped” into shape. 5-5-2010

This gives an opportunity for a fun, unscammable sidegame that could actually change the outcome of the Dynasty. Note that each Scripter will probably only have one shot at it, because the Dynasty is likely to be over in a week. Also, note that it is possible to quickly increase the value of an Action Prop, so that one which doesn’t even exist now may be highly useful in a Promotional Poster.


Kevan: he/him

10-05-2009 17:35:20 UTC



10-05-2009 18:18:24 UTC



10-05-2009 19:13:02 UTC

against Whoever enacts it, and anyone online at the time, has an advantage (first pick of the props). Which really annoys me timezone-wise.

And as for the tentative release date, what does ‘subject to change at any time’ mean? Is it somehow available as a variable to be changed? (Also, I decide when the film is going to be released, kay?)

It this was a slightly cleverer mechanic I’d support it, but as it is I don’t see this being too interesting. You might think I’m being discriminatory, but I really don’t see these things being fun or fair.


10-05-2009 19:14:44 UTC

P.S. good rule title.


10-05-2009 19:21:14 UTC

I don’t mind the person enacting it having a slight advantage, even though I cannot possibly enact it.

I liked the “release date” part because that makes it seem like a real Promotional Poster. It has no mechanic in the game. I put in the “subject to change” bit because I figured you would want to set your own movie date, so we could change that later.

I think it’s a cool way to use the Action Props, which are just sitting around right now.

ais523: Custodian

10-05-2009 19:56:25 UTC


ais523: Custodian

10-05-2009 19:57:32 UTC

Oh, we could always give the Imported Rusty Stapler back to B Nomic. They might be interested in what’s happened to it in its stay over here… (Just doing my bit for inter-nomic trade!)


10-05-2009 20:26:54 UTC


Darknight: he/him

10-05-2009 21:53:49 UTC



10-05-2009 21:55:50 UTC

against .  Not enough Props to go around.

ais523: What’s the story behind the Imported Rusty Stapler?


10-05-2009 21:57:49 UTC

(actually, the not enough props isn’t true since we can add a prop right before making it into a poster.  This seems to break the rule as well.


10-05-2009 22:09:21 UTC

My intention was that everyone be allowed to make one. Having the ability to create more props doesn’t break this rule at all.