Proposal: Proposal: A second attempt at voting harmony
Timed out 2-6.—Kevan
Adminned at 03 Sep 2006 19:27:05 UTC
If the Rule “Harmony†exists, add to the end of “Harmony†the words:
If the oldest pending proposal which has been open for voting for more than 48 hours has had at least two valid votes cast on it, and all musicians performing the same style have voted the same way on it, immediately before the proposal is enacted or failed X/3 votes(rounded down) the same as those cast by those musicians are cast on the proposal, where X is the number of musicians performing that style.
The enacting or failing admin should make a comment on that proposal describing the votes cast by this rule, for example “Dissonance: FOR” if 2 additional For votes have been cast because all Dissonance performing musicians voted FOR.
Still not quite as tight as it could be but I’ll it for now.