Proposal: Proposal: Better Battles Begin
Failed 8 to 2 after time out, yarrr! - Jack
Adminned at 14 Mar 2008 05:46:19 UTC
Since the rules for battlin’ have yet
To do more than a hole-y fish-net
The way that it goes,
Is I now propose
Add “Sea Battles” to the Ruleset:
If a captain be sailin’ at sea,
Then challenge another may e
(If the other’s at sea
And has less army)
To a “Sea Battle” for great vict’ry.The outcome of Battle’s decided
By the rolling of two DICE, X-sided
One for each Cap’n
Xs value shall happen
To equal the army each has guided.The victor is e who rolled higher,
For the loser: a funeral pyre
Since when e’s defeated
Eir army’s depleted
To nine-tenths of what it was prior.
Brilliant limericks.
Is the sea battle automatic, or does the challenged captain have an opportunity to decline? (My reading is that it’s automatic.)