Saturday, February 10, 2007

Proposal: Critical Clarification

Passed with 6 votes to none. Josh

Adminned at 12 Feb 2007 02:01:39 UTC

If there is no rule “Critical Acclaim” this proposal does nothing.

Amend “Critical Acclaim” to read:

An Actor earns “Critical Acclaim” if both of the following conditions are true:

- e is not, at that time, disqualified from earning Critical Acclaim, and
- e makes a Proposal that passes, and both Critics vote “FOR” the Proposal (or cast votes that have the effect of votes FOR the Proposal).

Upon an Actor earning “Critical Acclaim”, e must select a role in eir Filmography and add the text “Critical Acclaim” to eir Filmography in reference to that role. This action is defined as earning Critical Acclaim with respect to that role. A role that has earned Critical Acclaim is defined as an Acclaimed Role, and any role that is not an Acclaimed Role is an Unacclaimed Role.  An Actor may not earn Critical Acclaim more than once with respect to a particular role. An Actor may not earn Critical Acclaim for a film in which e was an Extra.

An Actor is disqualified from earning Critical Acclaim for so long as any of the following are true:

- there are fewer than two Critics, or
- e has no Unacclaimed Roles in eir Filmography, or
- e has the Gossip Story: “Right-wing” and, simultaneously, either Critic has the Gossip Story “Left-Wing”, or
- e has the Gossip Story: “Left-wing” and, simultaneously, either Critic has the Gossip Story “Right-Wing”.



10-02-2007 22:32:22 UTC



11-02-2007 19:35:02 UTC

Are people just not voting, or what? I won’t vote just to keep it going…

Elias IX:

11-02-2007 19:44:33 UTC



11-02-2007 20:01:28 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

11-02-2007 22:23:42 UTC



12-02-2007 01:18:35 UTC
