Proposal draft: Spellcasting
Add a new Rule to the Ruleset. Call it “Spellcasting†and give it the following text:
There are a number of Spells, listed in this Rule’s subrules. Each Spell has one or more Activation Sequences, each of which is a Rune sequence containing one or more Vowels and no Damaged Runes. Each Spell also has an Effect.
Any Apprentice whose Workbench contains a Spell’s Activation Sequence may Cast that Spell. Upon doing so, he must select a subsequence of his Workbench with a Value that is the Activation Sequence, change the last Rune in the selected subsequence to a Damaged Rune, then perform the Spell’s Effect.
No two Spells may have the same Activation Sequence. A spell cannot be Cast if its Effect cannot be performed.
Since this is likely the most important proposal of the dynasty, I’d like feedback on it before I propose it.
The Spells will probably all be listed in the same subrule.
arthexis: he/him
This was more or less what I was thinking about. What about letting players change any rune into a damaged one, not just the last one?