Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Proposal: Dynastic Rules: Additional Section: Selling

Be it resolved that the addition of a section marked so: 2.26 Selling, shall be made an addition to the Dynastic Rules of the First Dynasty of Jack. The section shall read as follows:

A captain may, while at port, sell any of his possessions for exactly half of the gold they were purchased for. The possession must be in identical shape to it’s original state. Any rules concerning the returning of an object, specific to that object, that conflict with the rules listed this section, override this section.



18-03-2008 15:52:44 UTC

The categories tab allows you to create a proposal.


18-03-2008 16:47:24 UTC

You should avoid using section numbers when creating a new rule (unless you are referring to an old rule) because other rules could be added in the meantime.

You can also use blockquotes to put a box around the rule’s text, but you are not required to.  It just helps us to read it.


19-03-2008 00:18:42 UTC

*vaguely recalls getting almost harassed openly for failing to put rules in the right order when they were all muckety with numbers in the proposals and such*

Yes, please avoid numbers in the proposals like that, if at all possible…

Darknight: he/him

19-03-2008 22:28:35 UTC


Darknight: he/him

19-03-2008 22:29:15 UTC

this isn’t even tech a proposal since it fails to show on the side board.