Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Proposal: Losing Fame, Part 1

10-1. Timed-Out.—Chronos

Adminned at 23 Feb 2007 02:29:55 UTC

Change the following text of rule 2.6:

When an Actor makes a Press Conference Post, if the reported DICE100 result is less than or equal to half of eir Fame, then e becomes the subject of the first Gossip Story named in comments to the post by another Actor (as soon as such a comment is made). If the result is greater than half of eir Fame, the post is also considered an ‘’’After Party Post’’’, and the author of the post is its Host.

to read:

When an Actor makes a Press Conference Post, if the reported DICE100 result is less than or equal to half of eir Fame, then e becomes the subject of the first Gossip Story named in comments to the post by another Actor (as soon as such a comment is made). If the result is less than half eir fame and less than 10, e also loses 20 fame. If the result is greater than half of eir Fame, the post is also considered an ‘’’After Party Post’’’, and the author of the post is its Host.

This rule change would represent a movie so undeniably bad that it not only generates bad press, it also makes directors think twice before casting the actor again.



21-02-2007 11:45:45 UTC


Josh: he/they

21-02-2007 14:48:45 UTC



21-02-2007 15:05:18 UTC

Under the belief that fame=popularity, which is not the case. Undeniably bad movies can still create publicity (and fame) for the stars. against

Josh: he/they

21-02-2007 15:10:19 UTC

Bad movies can actually lose you fame as well, though.


21-02-2007 15:31:22 UTC



21-02-2007 15:36:47 UTC

Snowball: I know what you mean. I even thought about that myself. However, as the Ruleset stands now, I forsee a bunch of people just making movies and attending after-parties and, consequently shooting to the top of the fame scale. Not a very interesting game.
I made this proposal - and will make part two of Losing Fame - to make the game more interesting from this standpoint, not necessarily to simulate what actually happens in the movie business.
Hope that clears things up.

Amnistar: he/him

21-02-2007 17:41:54 UTC

I like to think that bad movies tend not to cause a loss of fame, but bad acting.  I like the idea game-wise though so… for


21-02-2007 17:55:59 UTC

for I see no problems with the flavor of this addition.  In-game “Fame” is supposed to be a positive quality.  In my mind, it is neither recognizability nor popularity alone, but some sort of mixture.  Recocgizability as a good actor, perhaps.  Maybe “Fame” isn’t the optimally descriptive word for it, but it’s not a problem.


21-02-2007 20:43:49 UTC

/I still think we should gain some fame before we start proposing ways to lose it…


21-02-2007 23:27:57 UTC



22-02-2007 12:26:01 UTC

for Sounds good enough for me!


22-02-2007 23:04:19 UTC

for quorum