Proposal: Proposing is Power
Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Influence”:
When a proposal authored by a Seeker is enacted or failed and at any point had at least one FOR vote on it from a Seeker other than its author, its author gains 5 Influence.
If the Proposal “A Life’s Ambition” passed, replace the text of “Influence” with the following:
When a proposal authored by a Seeker is enacted or failed and at any point had at least one FOR vote on it from a Seeker other than its author, its author gains 5 Influence. If they have a Hobby of BlogNomic or a Job of Politician, they instead gain 10 Influence.
Why not have some incentive to propose?
Josh: he/they
The issue with this is that there becomes a mild disincentive to voting FOR on proposals authored by a rival, especially one who is close to winning.