Tuesday, September 21, 2010

[Proto-Competition] Nomic Invasion

Wooble wrote, in Agora:

If I haven’t voted yet, I vote AGAINST each proposal from 6834-6841;
without a recent referee’s report I can’t be bothered to figure out
who’s on my team, and I’m not voting FOR an interested proposal by a
non-team-member as a protest against our Honored Speaker messing up
offices to get a few Fans for eir team.

Also, I intend with 2 Senate support to begin an Emergency Session, as
we’ve been successfully invaded from Blognomic.

Obviously, the only sensible response to an accusation like that is to make it come true, and invade every other nomic out there while we’re at it.

Any Befuddled who has commented in this thread will be supplied by the Riddler, on request, with four random words (taken via the “random entry” feature on en.wiktionary.org: two in English, two in random languages with a reroll if the word randomly happens to be English); only one such request will be honoured. The goal of the contest is to introduce at least one of those words, and preferably all four, into the ruleset of some nomic. Only nomics that existed prior to 1 September 2010, and which are currently played actively by at least five players, count; the Riddler’s decision is final with respect to what is a nomic, and what its ruleset is.

If n of the words given to a Befuddled find their way into the ruleset of a nomic, then n IQ can be transferred from each Befuddled who has commented on this post, to that Befuddled, or half that amount (rounded down) if the nomic in question is Blognomic itself. (Only one nomic per Befuddled counts if multiple nomics were invaded this way, but see below).

On or after 21 October 2010, the Riddler may choose a Befuddled, other than himself, to receive a Medal, and should award the Medal to whichever Befuddled, in his opinion, did the most impressive invasion of another nomic. Befuddleds are encouraged to submit supporting evidence explaining why their invasions are particularly impressive.




21-09-2010 15:03:43 UTC


Kevan: he/him

21-09-2010 17:47:14 UTC

against Someone making a joke (?) in Agora doesn’t seem like a good reason for us to go and annoy some other Nomics.


21-09-2010 19:10:09 UTC

Hmm. Generally speaking, invasions promote interesting gameplay in both nomics involved. (Yes, it probably was a joke; but Agora have been trying to build invasion defences for years now and are miffed that nobody’s been testing them.) I’ll leave out the idea if nobody’s interested, though.

Josh: he/they

21-09-2010 19:28:53 UTC

For me, I don’t object to the idea per se but I’d probably never attempt to use it.


22-09-2010 04:14:50 UTC

for Yes! I can finally test out my theory of nomic colonialism! Granted, I’d be turning an existing nomic into a colony rather than founding a new one, but potayto, potahto (or should I say “New Amsterdam, New York”?).

Darknight: he/him

23-09-2010 01:34:44 UTC

against Last thing we need is to piss another group of nomic players off and have then come and spam the hell out of BN.


23-09-2010 02:14:41 UTC

Darknight: If they spam us, we ban them. Also, Agora typically has fewer players than BN, so we should be able to conquer them easily.

Darknight: he/him

23-09-2010 02:20:07 UTC

even so, if this starts up i’ll be invoking the against rule, cause this idea is still stupid to no end.


23-09-2010 02:20:50 UTC

Oh? How so?

Darknight: he/him

23-09-2010 02:27:00 UTC

whats the point of it? what does it prove? why go and act like a bunch of dickheads toward a groupd of players that have never bothered us other then wanting to join a different nomic to play? This idea is idiotic at best, dickish at worse. Kev said it best, *Someone making a joke (?) in Agora doesn’t seem like a good reason for us to go and annoy some other Nomics*.


25-09-2010 00:15:13 UTC

Agora has a history of invading nomics; it’s about time someone did it back to them.

Thane Q:

25-09-2010 02:47:31 UTC

against No need to make their accusation true.


25-09-2010 04:16:20 UTC

I would also like to remind everyone that ais523 is himself an Agoran. A quite prominent one, in fact (a former Ambassador).