Monday, September 06, 2010

[Proto-Competition] Proposal count

(Not a competition, because that rule hasn’t passed yet, and to give feedback for possible improvements. This is an example to show the sort of thing I mean. Come up with your own ideas, and propose to make them into real Competitions!)

Comments to this post in the form “Guess: [6-12 September 2010] 5 proposals” are considered to be Guesses; each specifies a week and a number of proposals. Guesses are ignored if they duplicate a previous non-ignored guess, if they are made later than the end of Wednesday on the week given, or if their author has already made a Guess for the same week.

After a week has ended, if the number of proposals enacted that week equals a Befuddled’s guess (the Victor), then once for each other Befuddled who made a Guess for that week, the Victor can transfer 1 IQ from that Befuddled to himself.

Nd suexfq bqut, hlv t sbnjwu bfvpxqlevbxf.



07-09-2010 14:26:45 UTC

In this example, do you have to define what a week is, or can you use the glossary definition? Also, do you want to allow for multiple victors? Finally, are you sure you want to provide an example that encourages proposal spam?

ais523: Mastermind

07-09-2010 14:58:37 UTC

I deliberately chose “proposals enacted”, not “proposals proposed”, in order to avoid proposal spam being useful at stopping the challenge. Also, multiple victors is impossible (you can’t duplicate someone else’s guess), and the glossary definition should be fine.

ais523: Mastermind

07-09-2010 16:44:29 UTC

Any more comments before I make this an actual competition? I’ll probably wait until Thursday, to avoid time-zone scams.

Kevan: he/him

07-09-2010 16:46:13 UTC

Only a raised eyebrow at the idea of encouraging tactical self-kills so near to the start of a dynasty.

ais523: Mastermind

07-09-2010 17:38:50 UTC

@Kevan: good point, I didn’t think of that at all. I’ll see if I can think up a less abusable way to word the condition.

Darknight: he/him

07-09-2010 20:36:30 UTC

those encryptions in the flavor bar are giving me a headache as an FYI


08-09-2010 13:32:16 UTC

<quote>After a week has ended, if the number of proposals enacted that week equals a Befuddled’s guess (the Victor), then once for each other Befuddled who made a Guess for that week, the Victor can transfer 1 IQ from that Befuddled to himself.</quote>

That ought to be “each other Befuddled who made a false guess that week” or something similar, since now you can transfer from other winners.


08-09-2010 14:44:11 UTC

Darth: as ais523 mentioned, each guess must be unique.