Thursday, June 03, 2010

Protosal: Combat System Mach 2

Add a new rule titled “Stats and Weapons”, with the following text:

Each @ has a number called HP, and a number called Max HP. They are together tracked the GNDT column “HP”, which should display “X (Y)”, where X is the @ in question’s HP and Y is the @ in question’s Max HP. Each @ starts with an HP and Max HP of 10.

There exist Weapons, which are a type of item. A Weapon can be ranged or melee, and has an amount of Damage, which is two integers (a number of Dice and a number of Sides). If an @ carries a weapon, they may be wielding it.

Add a new rule titled “Dungeon”:

Each @ has a number called Dungeon Level (tracked in the GNDT), defaulting to 1. As a weekly action, an @ may attempt to Find the Stairs; to do this, they roll DICE6 in the GNDT. The attempt is successful if they have defeated X monsters, where X is the result of that die roll, since their Dungeon Level last changed. If the attempt is successful, they increase their Dungeon Level by 1.

Add a new rule titled “Monsters”, with the following text:

A Monster is a type of game entity; each one has a number of HP and an amount of Damage, which is two integers (a number of Dice and a number of Sides).

An active Encounter exists while at least one Monster exists. The RNG can create a Monster at any time; this either creates a new active Encounter, or adds Monsters to any existing active Encounter. When creating an Encounter, the RNG must detail the Monsters in it in a Story Post with [Encounter] in its title; new Monsters added to an existing Encounter must be detailed in comments to its associated Story Post, and the comments to that post should also be used by @s to track which Monsters are still alive, along with the current stats for each. If all Monsters in an Encounter cease to exist, the Encounter stops being an Encounter. Each Encounter has a Floor, which is any integer, and is set by the RNG.

An Encounter can be Ranged or Melee. An encounter starts out ranged but becomes melee if it exists for 24 hours.

Add a new rule called “Combat”:

As a daily action, an @ may Fight one Monster, or an @. If the @ is not wielding a weapon, they must roll 1DICE2 in the GNDT. If the @ is wielding a weapon, they must roll XDICEY in the GNDT where X is the number of Dice for their weapon, and Y is the number of Sides for their weapon. The result of the die roll (whichever is used) is the Damage Dealt. An @ may not Fight a Monster in a Ranged Encounter unless they are wielding a ranged weapon, and may not Fight a Monster in a Melee Encounter if they are wielding a ranged weapon. An @ may not Fight a Monster in an Encounter whose Floor is different than their Dungeon Level.

When an @ fights something, after rolling damage dealt, they decrease the HP of whatever they fought by the damage dealt. If the HP of a monster goes below 1, they cease to exist. If the HP of an @ goes below 1, they die.

After an @ fights a Monster, the Monster fights back; the Monster fights the @ who fought them. The RNG shall role XDICEY in the GNDT where X is the Monster’s Dice and Y is the Monster’s Sides, and decreases the @‘s HP by the result.

IRC suggestions. Simplified Distance into a dichotomy of near or far, and added locations in the form of dungeon levels. There’s also fleeing, which you can do by attempting to find the stairs.



03-06-2010 01:19:06 UTC

- you can delay combat indefinitely by not fighting a particular monster; so there’s no need to flee
- if a monster is spawned, but nobody gets around to fighting it for a day, it’s instantly melee (even if, say, the @ involved just got to that floor)
- should it be possible to flee upstairs?


03-06-2010 04:15:49 UTC

comex, the idea with the middle part is that the monster comes closer to the @s. If the @ involved just got to that floor, we pretend he just walked into the room, taking the same entrance the other @s did. I might make the monsters attack by themselves sometime in the future.


03-06-2010 18:31:00 UTC

Re finding the stairs, if I roll the dice and find I haven’t killed enough monsters, is the attempt thereupon unsuccessful? Or does the attempt stay “open” until I have killed enough monsters? To put it another way, if I need to kill 5 bad guys but I’ve only chalked up 3, do I get to find the stairs as soon as I kill my 5th, or do I have to wait and roll the dice again the next week?


03-06-2010 19:05:22 UTC

Freezerbird: You have to wait and roll again. (You might even roll a lower number.)


03-06-2010 19:58:56 UTC

- If you delay combat per comex’s note, you also prevent new encounters from spawning, which prevents other @s from finding the stairs if they have not yet fought on their current level.
- worse, if a monster wins an encounter, it doesn’t end, which means if a monster defeats all players on a level, no other players can descend…


03-06-2010 20:12:40 UTC

- The former part is a feature, not a bug.
- I don’t follow the latter part.


03-06-2010 20:13:14 UTC

Also, there can be multiple encounters on the same floor.


03-06-2010 20:18:05 UTC

misread it to mean that the way the RNG created an encounter was to create a monster when there was no other active encounters, thus limiting the number of active encounters.

now I’m confused by what you mean when you say it’s a feature, since there is no such restriction.


03-06-2010 20:21:22 UTC

Defeating 7 or more monsters makes it impossible to Find the Stairs. Shouldn’t it be “X or more Monsters”?


03-06-2010 22:27:18 UTC

I misread it in the same way as comex and lilomar, interestingly. So to clarify, assuming there’s an existing encounter, if the RNG creates a new monster, that could be part of the same encounter or it could be the start of a second encounter.

Also: good point Anonyman. What you said.