Protosal: Drafts
Create a new core rule “Drafts,” with the text:
Any Artist may post an entry in the “Draft” category. The Body and Flavour Text of a Draft may be edited by its Author at their convenience. Artists may not edit the Title, Category, or any other aspect of their Draft not specificied as editable in the Ruleset.
In Rule 1.9, change
An Artist should not edit their own blog comments once posted, nor those of any other Artist.
An Artist should not edit their own blog comments once posted, nor those of any other Artist, unless otherwise specified in the Ruleset.
If the Proposal “1, 2, 3, 5, Can I Have A Little More” has passed, change in Rule 3.2
No entry may be more than one of the following official types of post: Proposal, Call for Judgement, and Declaration of Victory.
No entry may be more than one of the following official types of post: Proposal, Call for Judgement, Declaration of Victory, and Draft.
Flavour Text: Currently, under Rule 1.9, editing entries after posting is a violation of fair play. As a result, players often post drafts of potential proposals in order to get input from other players. However, when issues are found, drafts currently must be reposted each time changes are made. Past attempts to fix this problem have focused on allowing the text of Proposals to be edited, which introduces legal and practical difficulties. This proposal would create a Category of entries known as “Drafts” which could be edited freely by the author.
Darknight: he/him
i like this idea. i honestly never liked the term protosal either so this could take care of that too lol.