Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Protosal: Job issues

In Rule 2.4 entitled “Jobs” replace “A Colonist who is a Peasant may change their Job to any Job whose criteria they have met within the last week.” with

A Colonist who is a Peasant may change their Job to any Job whose criteria they have met.

Replace every “in one week” phrases in that Rule with:

in the preceding 604800 seconds

For clarification, all previous Job changes are legal, if they would be legal with the new wording of Rule 2.4

I encourage any Colonist to propose something like this.

This would clarify whether “criteria they have met within the last week.” and “in one week” mean the last period of seven days that ended recent Monday or the preceding seven days. Lots of Colonists assume the current wording means “preceding seven days”. I do not agree to them.

Mabye “criteria they have met within the last week.” and “in one week” would mean that fishing three times a month ago is enough to become a fisher. I don‘t know, but this would fix that problem.



06-04-2010 20:11:16 UTC

This is not a proposal


06-04-2010 20:11:29 UTC

wait. nevermind. >_>


06-04-2010 20:39:29 UTC

for  Might as well say “7 days” instead of “604800 seconds”, though.


06-04-2010 20:56:27 UTC

Darth Cliche: An earlier draft says “seven days, including today”, but it‘s the same problem then as now _(but less important.) Would this mean the preceeding 604800 seconds, or would that mean the time between now and midnight 6 days and a few hours ago?