Protosal: Metadynasty Starter Kit
(assumes another votable matter has repealed dynastic rules and started a metadynasty first. If not, do that here)
In the rule “Dynastic Tracking”, change “Construction Site” to “Generic Nomic Data Document”.
Add a new dynastic rule, “Theme Mutation”, to the ruleset. Give it the following text:
As long as it currently is a metadynasty, the theme is always two words. The dynasty’s theme appears at the top of the Generic Nomic Data Document, with the word “The” before it, and the word “Metadynasty” after it.
Votable Matters shall be considered on-theme or off-theme based on the dynastic theme at the time they were posted rather than the current theme.
There exists a publicly tracked list of words called the Adjective Pool. If a the same word is in the Adjective Pool more than once, the quantity is tracked as a number after the first instance of that word and further instances are omitted.
As a Weekly Communal Action that can only be taken on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and only if the Adjective Pool contains at least three words, a Player may Draw an Adjective. They randomly select a word from the Adjective Pool, which replaces the first word of the dynasty’s theme. This removes all instances of that word from the Adjective Pool.
There exists a publicly tracked list of words called the Noun Pool. If a the same word is in the Noun Pool more than once, the quantity is tracked as a number after the first instance of that word and further instances are omitted.
As a Weekly Communal Action that can only be taken on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday and only if the Noun Pool contains at least three words, a Player may Draw a Noun. They randomly select a word from the Noun Pool, which replaces the first word of the dynasty’s theme. This removes all instances of that word from the Noun Pool.
If there is ever a word in the Adjective Pool that is not an English adjective, or a word in the Noun Pool that is not an English noun, it ceases to be part of that Pool and any Player may adjust the tracking document accordingly.
As a Weekly Action, a Player may add a noun to the Noun Pool or an adjective to the Adjective Pool, or remove a word from either Pool.
Set the dynasty’s theme to “Mutable Theme”.
Comments welcome.
JonathanDark: he/him
Could you add a repeal of all dynastic rules in case Failed Ultimatum is not enacted?